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  • Drew Herb Lesser

What are the differences between the Sativa and Indica Cannabis Strains.

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

A study conducted in 2021 found that over 100 cannabis samples were genetically indistinct on a genome-wide scale, suggesting that the distinctions between these putative species may be more related to variations in terpene profiles than to fundamental genetic differences.

Cannabis sativa, also known as "things that are cultivated" in Latin, was first classified by Carl Linneaus in 1753. It is native to Eastern Asia and is known for its tall and narrow appearance, with thin fingers on its leaves. In terms of terpene profile, sativa strains tend to have higher concentrations of pinene and limonene, which contribute to its woodsy and citrusy flavors and aromas, respectively. Due to its uplifting and energetic effects, sativa strains are often prescribed for daytime use.

Cannabis indica, first classified by French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1785, originates from India and is characterized by its short and bulky appearance, as well as its thick fingers on its leaves. Indica strains tend to have higher concentrations of myrcene and beta-caryophyllene, which contribute to its musky, earthy, and spicy undertones. Due to its relaxing and tranquil effects, indica strains are often enjoyed at night.

Hybrid strains, which are created by crossbreeding different types of cannabis, can exhibit a wide range of characteristics, depending on the specific strains used in the breeding process. These hybrids can be bred to have specific terpene profiles and cannabinoid contents, depending on the intended use.

Within the sativa category are specific strains. Some of these strains may lean closer to hybrid, others more towards an "absolute sativa," and others in between. Their terpene profiles are generally very similar to one another with some nuances.

Sativa effects, indica effects, hybrid effects
Sativa Indica Hybrid - What are the differences?

What are the potential benefits of Sativa strains of Medical Cannabis ?

Sativa cannabis plants are known for their energizing and uplifting effects. They are often used to help manage mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, and are also commonly used to increase focus and creativity. Sativa strains are also often used to manage chronic pain, fatigue, and appetite loss. Some people find that sativa strains are helpful for reducing inflammation and improving sleep. In addition to their medicinal uses, sativa strains are also popular for their recreational effects. They are known for producing a "cerebral" high that can be energizing and uplifting. It's important to note that the effects of sativa strains can vary widely depending on the specific strain and the individual's unique biology. It's imperative to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including the use of medical cannabis.

What are the potential benefits of Indica strains of Medical Cannabis?

Indica cannabis plants are known for their relaxing and sedative effects. They are often used to help manage anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain, and are also commonly used to reduce muscle spasms and tremors. Some people find that indica strains are helpful for reducing inflammation and improving sleep. They may also be used to help manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and Crohn's disease. In addition to their medicinal uses, indica strains are also popular for their recreational effects. They are known for producing a "body" europheria that can be relaxing and calming. It's important to note that the effects of indica strains can vary widely depending on the specific strain and the individual's unique biology. It's imperative to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including the use of medical cannabis.


The perception among cannabis enthusiasts is that sativa strains elicit uplifting effects, while indica strains elicit relaxing effects, and hybrid strains offer a combination of both. However, it is important to note that the effects of cannabis can vary greatly among individuals. Furthermore, there are complex nuances that contribute to the effects of cannabis, such as the terpene profile, which can interact synergistically with cannabinoids. It is imperative to consult with a medical professional for any medical advice related to the treatment of medical conditions using Medical Cannabis.


This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be relied on as health or personal advice. The author is NOT a Doctor. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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